Learn Meditation, in Person - Gold Coast
Meditation for beginners to advanced - One Day Course in Person - Theory and Practical - Certificate Endorsed
In these Meditation Courses on the Gold Coast in Person, students are taught the correct breathing method for meditation.
Perseverance is important together with consistency on a daily basis. This will always bring positive changes and the rewards are outstanding, particularly from the Spirit World, as we expand our Consciousness.
This Meditation Course includes visualisation methods to assist with Guide Connections, together with heightening your Vibration Level.
Through my Meditation course, you will improve sleep patterns, concentration, alertness, focus and attention to detail within your life.
Stress levels will be reduced and you will experience better connections with your own Guides and Guardian Angels and the Higher Realms of the Spirit World.
This in Person Meditation class is taught systematically, and will bring about a greater sense of well being and total relaxation, together with a much happier and productive inner life.
Those who live in a meditative state have better health and further their Spiritual Growth.
Students are welcome from all over Queensland, NSW, ACT and Victoria and from further afield. All Courses and Classes are taught in Person on the Gold Coast.
All Courses In Person on the Gold Coast
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